Download Index Animalium book
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Sіzе: 2.40 MB
Author: Carolo Davies Sherborn
Date added: 21.09.2012
ISBN: 1990001622659

Historiae animalium (Gesner) - Wikipedia,.
Index Animalium
Index Novus Litteraturae Entomologicae.About the Index: This database is a completely revised new edition of the "Index Litteraturae Entomologicae : Serie I : Die Welt-Literatur über die gesamte
The History of Animals / Aristotle; translated by D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson
Lexikon für Redensarten, Redewendungen, idiomatische Ausdrücke und feste Wortverbindungen ABL - Background on Fish Hearing - The.
Index Schüttorf Aristotel - Wikipedia
The History of Animals, by Aristotle.

Historiae animalium ("Histories of the Animals") published at Zurich in 1551-58 and 1587, is an encyclopedic work of "an inventory of renaissance zoology" by Conrad
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